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Identity Science
We have been working with two datasets in the Identity Science Lab. One is Generator Z and the other is QChat.
Our research is qualitative and interdisciplinary.
We analyze words from youth in order to understand their experience.
Some of our research questions:
How do youth express their identities in online environments?
Do youth take steps to hide their identities in online environments?
What kind of afterschool experiences do LGBTQIA+ say they want?
What do safe spaces look like for LGBTQIA+ youth?
How do adults successfully facilitate text conversations with LGBTQIA+ youth?
How do youth talk about mental health during the COVID lockdown in 2020?
How do youth talk about mental health in Fall 2021 when schools were going back in person?
How do youth talk about self-expression in LGBTQIA+ themed chats?
How do youth talk about family support in LGBTQIA+ themed chats?
What do facilitated chat conversations about race look like during summer 2020?
What do facilitated chat conversations look like during political events like the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the 2020 presidential election, and January 6, 2021?
See more on the FIRE website.

2022 Undergraduate Research Day

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